Thursday, 22 August 2013

Plot update...

We had a lot of very heavy rain last night and thought that I would check on my plot down at the allotment this morning. There was nobody there so I had the luxury of having the place to myself. I find being in the garden an excellent time for contemplation and although I enjoy the company of others at the allotment - sometimes it is nice to be able to let your thoughts go where they ought.

Everything has grown so much and I was surprised at the amount of growth, as it hasn't been that long since I had been last.

My rhubarb is doing better and is growing well now.

Pea pods are developing well.

Broccoli heads are developing.

Cabbage heads are developing too.

Beetroot are getting there.

You can see the garlic greens now.

The carrots look like they will need thinning soon.

Broad beans are flowering too.

I mulched with shredded paper today.

The other side.

I am going to have to start thinking about what the succession of planting is going to be, as I will be harvesting some of this very soon and will need to fill the space.

Until next time happy gardening everyone and please feel free to leave a comment.

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